Discover all the events that we organise or co-organise together with partners.
Upcoming events
L-DIH On Tour 2024
What will factories of the future look like, and what technologies and skills are required today for manufacturing companies to thrive? The 2024 L-DIH ON TOUR, from 24 September to 10 October, will provide key resources and tools to enhance production lines and upskill manufacturing executives and employees on all “shop floors”.
24/09/2024 - 10/10/2024
08h00 - 18h00
GreenTech Solutions Summit
Boost your transformation and your business. We're excited to bring together Green Tech actors from the Greater Region for a day of inspiring keynote talks, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.
IFSB - Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment - 3290 Bettembourg, Luxembourg
L-DIH Talks | Green industry: IT and OT technologies for sustainable manufacturing
As we make progress in building smart factories and interconnected systems, the question arises: How can IT/OT technologies themselves become more sustainable? We demonstrate why you should consider this and how you can leverage these technologies for sustainability in this webinar.
11h00 - 12h00
2024 Automotive Day
Organised by Technifutur and Luxinnovation, the Automotive Day is the most significant annual event in the Greater Region for automotive industry professionals. This edition will take place in Francorchamps on 10 October 2024. The main theme: “Alternative powertrains, a cross-sector technological opportunity?
Technifutur-Campus Francorchamps, BE
Luxembourg Venture Days 2024
16/10/2024 - 17/10/2024
20h00 - 23h00
Kirchberg L, Luxembourg
L-DIH Talks | Design thinking and agile methods for digital transformation.
This webinar is designed to unveil how change management tools and methodologies, including design thinking and agile practices, can empower industries on their journey towards digital transformation.
11h00 - 12h00
Defence Technology and Innovation Day 2024
Defence Technology and Innovation Day 2024
08h00 - 14h30
Maison des arts et des etudiants