We work with a wide range of funding measures that can support R&D and innovation projects focusing on various aspects of sustainability. The following three programmes and measures are of particular interest:
- The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy offers companies environmental protection aid to co-fund investments in eco-technology or environmentally friendly processes. It helps companies cover some of the extra costs directly associated with better protecting the environment.
- The Horizon Europe programme includes the several strategic areas with strong sustainability dimensions, in particular:
- The Climate, Energy, and Mobility area (cluster 5), which funds actions in the fields of climate science and solutions, energy supply, energy systems and grids, buildings and industrial facilities in energy transition, communities and cities, industrial competitiveness in transport, clean, sent tomorrow’s innafe and accessible transport and mobility, smart mobility and energy storage
- The Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment area (cluster 6), which funds actions in the fields of environmental observation, biodiversity and natural resources, agriculture, forestry and rural areas, seas, oceans and inland waters, food systems, bio-based innovation systems in the EU's bioeconomy and circular systems
- The Innovation Fund supports projects with the aim of bringing solutions to the market that can help decarbonise European industry and support its transition to climate neutrality while fostering its competitiveness.
However, there are many other funding measures that can support R&D and innovation projects with sustainable dimensions. We can help you identify the most relevant funding measures, programmes and call for proposals depending on your strategy and research and innovation needs. We can inform you on how to prepare high-quality funding applications and, if needed, support you in finding project partners.
For European projects, we can also advise on the proposal writing and review your draft, and provide legal and financial support at the proposal stage and during the implementation of the project.