Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
SME innovation

Protect your ideas and get external innovation support

Boost your business by acquiring intellectual property, hosting highly qualified personnel and getting insights from external advisors.

Do you want to protect your intellectual property and work with external innovation experts?

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy offers financial support to help small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) decrease the risk and financial pressure involved in conducting innovative projects. 

SMEs can apply for support for acquiring, validating or defending patents and other intangible assets (licences, know-how and other types of intellectual property), hosting highly qualified staff from research organisations or large companies undertaking R&D or innovation tasks, or benefitting from consultancy services provided by external consultants that are not permanent nor recurrent and not related to the company’s normal expenditures.

We will advise you on: 

  • whether your company would be eligible and 
  • whether this funding scheme is the best one for your specific project

We can also inform you throughout the application process all the way to submission to the Ministry of the Economy.

Key figures

50% co-funding
for eligible activities
(can be higher in exceptional cases)

Key benefits

Benefit from the following advantages:

  • Support to protect your innovative ideas
  • Opportunity to host highly qualified staff
  • Opportunity to benefit from consultancy services from external advisors
  • Optimised application process

Who can benefit?

 This aid measure is aimed at small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) and private research institutes established in Luxembourg that fulfil all eligibility criteria. Applications must follow the online procedure that can be found on MyGuichet.lu.

This financial support measure is provided by the Ministry of the Economy.

Contact us
Interested in applying for funding?

Feel free to contact us for further information and guidance. We are also available to discuss how this funding measure and others would best fit into your long-term strategy.

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