Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Your support team in Luxembourg

Horizon Europe National Contact Point team

Luxinnovation is the National Contact Point for Horizon Europe and the first port of call for Luxembourg organisations interested in applying for Horizon Europe funding or working on on-going projects.

The National Contact Point (NCP) team is there to support you throughout the entire application process and during the lifetime of your Horizon Europe project. We can help you assess the most relevant calls for proposals and way forward for your research projects, identify past and on-going projects and key actors that can be helpful for your proposal, advise on the proposal writing and review your draft. We can also provide support with legal and financial matters at the proposal stage and during the implementation of the project.

Horizon Europe is a vast programme, and each member of the NCP team focuses on specific areas in order to be able to provide you with in-depth information.


Head of European Funding

  • Delegate to the Strategic Programme Committee
  • National coordinator
  • Legal and financial
  • Widening participation and spreading excellence
  • Missions
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology


+352 43 62 63-667


Senior Advisor - European R&D and Innovation Support

  • Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society
  • Cluster 5: Climate, Energy & Mobility
  • Missions
  • Innovation Fund


+352 43 62 63 – 688

Francesca BORRELLI

Senior Advisor - European R&D and Innovation Support

  • Health
  • Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society
  • Missions


Clarissa GOMES

Advisor - European Funding

  • European Research Council (ERC)
  • Research Infrastructures
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


Charles KOENER

Luxembourg Space Agency Policy Officer - Economic Development

  • Cluster 4 (Industry, Digital, Space)


+352 288 482-14


Advisor - European R&D and Innovation Support

  • Cluster 4: Industry, Digital, Space
  • European Innovation Council



Advisor - European R&D and Innovation Support

  • Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
  • Missions


Leonardo TONETTO

Advisor - European R&D and Innovation Support

  • Cluster 3: Civil security
  • Cluster 4: Industry, Digital, Space
  • Digital Europe Programme


Contact us
Interested in applying for funding? 

Feel free to contact us for further information, guidance to the most relevant calls for proposals and support with optimising your participation.

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