Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

R&D projects and programmes

Conduct experimental development projects

Apply for support to implement projects aimed at developing new or improved products, processes and services.

Do you want to request financial aid for an experimental development project?

The Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy offers financial support for research and development (R&D) projects focusing on experimental development. Such projects involve acquiring, combining, shaping and using scientific, technological and commercial knowledge and skills with a view to develop new or improved products, processes and services. 

Unlike fundamental and industrial research, experimental development forms a bridge between conceptual principles and practical implementation. It might result in a product that is ready for implementation. The subsidy can cover a proportion of the eligible costs directly related to experimental development.

We will advise you on: 

  • whether your company would be eligible and 
  • whether this funding scheme is the best one for your specific project

We can also inform you throughout the application process all the way to submission to the Ministry of the Economy.

Key figures

Max. 45%
co-funding for experimental development projects
by small companies 
Max. 35% 
co-funding for experimental development projects
by medium-sized companies
Max. 25%
co-funding for experimental development projects
by large companies
Up to 15% 
  • additional funding for experimental development projects 
carried out in effective collaboration with partners

Key benefits

Benefit from the following advantages:

  • Opportunity to decrease the risks linked to experimental research in your R&D project
  • Optimised application process

Who can benefit?

This aid measure is aimed at business and private research institutes established in Luxembourg that fulfil all eligibility criteria. Applications must follow the online procedure that can be found on MyGuichet.lu.

This financial support measure is provided by the Ministry of the Economy.

Contact us

Interested in applying for funding?

Feel free to contact us for further information and guidance. We are also available to discuss how this funding measure and others would best fit into your long-term strategy.

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