Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
discuss your needs, strategy and options

Get help to find the right funding measure(s)

We are here to discuss your needs, assess your eligibility and guide you to funding measures that best meet your needs.

Not sure what funding initiative is the right one for you?

Then we are here to help you! Our starting point is always your organisation – not the different funding programmes. We will begin by discussing your:

  • Strategy
  • Development plans
  • Research, development and/or innovation projects
  • Your organisation’s size, maturity, ambitions and means

We are then able to determine the funding tools that would be most interesting and relevant in your specific case.

For companies that want to launch projects in the short term to get results relatively quickly, national support measures are often the right match. European funding tools such as Horizon Europe or the Digital Europe Programme can be very interesting for companies and research organisations with a longer time perspective that are willing to work with partners in other countries. There are also specific funding measures targeting defence innovation and technologies. In some cases, a combination of different tools is the best solution.

We can:

  • Assess whether your organisation is eligible for a specific funding measure
  • Explain how to prepare complete and well-structured funding applications with high chances of success
  • Identify relevant calls for projects and proposals
  • Facilitate your search for project partners

For European funding applications, we can also advise on the proposal writing, review your draft application and provide legal and financial support at the proposal stage and during the implementation of the project.

Who can benefit?

Luxembourg-based startups, companies of all sizes, research organisations and other entities eligible for national or European research and innovation funding.

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