Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Young Innovative Enterprise 

Apply for growth funding for R&D-intensive startups

We help startups determine whether the Young Innovative Enterprise funding provided by the Ministry of the Economy meets their needs and inform on how to succeed with the application process.

Are you an innovative startup looking for funding?

The Young Innovative Enterprise funding is a matching aid granted by the Ministry of the Economy to support innovative companies younger than 5 years that have recently received a capital injection – usually by fundraising or private investment – with new capital. 

The aim is to facilitate their entrance into a growth phase by ramping up their product development, boosting their marketing and sales activities, and expanding internationally. This co-matching instrument makes investments by private investors more attractive and less risky.

We help you determine whether this startup growth funding fits with your strategy and funding needs and perform due diligence to confirm the co-funding and eligibility criteria. We inform you about useful templates as well as about the process, timeline, documentation and expectations of the Ministry and review the documentation provided to make sure that your application is ready for submission.

Key figure

Up to €800,000  
  • of equity-free funding covering up to 70% of the company’s total financial need

Key benefits

Benefit from the following advantages:

  • Streamlined application process
  • Smooth interaction with the Ministry of the Economy
  • Application document review

Who can benefit?

In order to apply for Young Innovative Enterprise funding, you must: 

 Applications must follow the online procedure that can be found on MyGuichet.lu.

Contact us

Interested in applying for funding?

Feel free to contact us for further information and guidance. 

We are also available to discuss how this funding measure and others would best fit into your long-term strategy.

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