Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

The wood sector in the spotlight in the Greater Region

Luxinnovation and the Wood Cluster were present at the 2022 edition of the Forum Bois Construction in Nancy at the beginning of April.

Wood sectorThe Forum Bois Construction Nancy took place on 7 and 8 April 2022. Luxinnovation hosted a booth there with important players of the timber construction sector in Luxembourg. Participants in the presentation sessions held the stand also included representatives (planners, implementers and users) of the Luxembourg wood construction sector as well as companies.

The presentations at the stand took place in parallel to the expert presentation given by Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy and Spatial Planning, who discussed the Luxembourg strategy for sustainable, bio-based construction in the Greater Region.

e-Holzhaff… and other projects

“Topics included support projects such as an Interreg project focusing on the wood construction sector and the current development of the e-Holzhaff by Luxinnovation, as well as the political strategy for the promotion of ecological construction,” said Ralf Koehler, the manager of the Luxembourg Wood Cluster at Luxinnovation.

In the context of its initiative “Baue mat Holz”, the Ordre des Architectes et Ingénieurs-conseils presented a total of 118 wood building projects, which were developed and implemented in an innovative manner by Luxembourg design offices. The focus of the permanent exhibition was to show the diversity in planning and the use of bio-based materials in construction, roofing and façades.

In addition, the private real estate developer iko real estate presented the innovative WOODEN project; a large-scale wood building project of about 9,200 m² that sets new standards in terms of technology and energy and has a very high energy standard purely from PEFC-certified timber. During the presentation, the responsible project engineer shared interesting details about the building project realised in Luxembourg to interested spectators from the Greater Region.

Cross-sectoral activities

The public and social housing sector, represented by the Luxembourg Fonds du Logement, was also present at the fair with a presentation of implemented wood construction projects. During informative discussions with spectators, impressions, obstacles and challenges of wood construction in social housing were shared.

"One of the highlights of this Forum was the opportunity to present our cross-sectoral initiatives to a broad audience," Ralf Koehler points out. "It was possible to discuss with a large number of stakeholders in technical exchanges, including a joint Interreg project focusing on sustainable wood construction. The discussions with the companies gave a very good overview of the different strategic objectives and interests that can be found in wood construction."

The Forum Bois Construction has, in any case, led to a strengthening of interregional networking, including a focus on new technologies, legal regulations and cross-sectoral wood construction projects.

"We also perceived an interest in Luxinnovation's activities among foreign players," remarks Ralf Koehler. "The participation of the Luxembourg partners was a real success and new cross-border contacts could be established."

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