Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

New aid scheme for companies particularly affected by the rise in energy prices

A new law has just been passed in July. A webinar - in French - detailed the main points of the process.

The Russian military intervention in Ukraine at the end of February has upset the existing economic balance and triggered an energy crisis unprecedented in recent decades.

In order to respond to the difficulties that companies will have to face (and in some cases are already facing), a law was passed on 12 July, introducing a system of aid for companies that have seen their operating costs increase drastically as a result of soaring energy prices, sometimes to the point of compromising the continuation of their economic activity.

Two types of aid are proposed to cover:

  • the extra costs of natural gas and electricity for energy-intensive companies
  • additional diesel costs for companies in the road haulage, construction and food industry sectors.

On the initiative of the Ministry of the Economy and the Directorate General for Small and Middle-Sized Enterprises, with the support of Luxinnovation, an information webinar in French presented in detail these new measures and the advantages that companies in the country will be able to draw from them.

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