Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Sustainable real estate project ELMEN constructed using wood

As part of a professional exchange with Dutch investors and project developers from the real estate sector, Luxinnovation, via its Wood Cluster, organised on 30 September in close cooperation with Luxembourg Trade and Invest an interesting tour of the flagship ELMEN project, a timber construction complex.


ELMEN is a pioneering construction project organised by the housing association Société Nationale des Habitations à Bon Marché and is planned as a cooperative housing project with 375 buildings in timber construction, using the latest in energy-efficiency. The quarter is designed for 2,000 inhabitants and is currently in the construction phase located in the district of Capellen in Luxembourg.

Elmen is also part of the European project Interreg GReENEFF which aims to finance innovative green neighbourhoods and energy efficient social housing in the Greater Region.

One of the general contractors who was awarded the contract for the construction alongside other outstanding Luxembourg timber construction companies, the Luxembourg company SteffenHolzbau, led the excursion under the guidance of the general manager Mark Weber and the construction manager responsible for the site. The approximately 20 Dutch participants were enthusiastic about the expertise and the effective implementation of this sustainable building project.

Wood Cluster Manager Ralf Koehler added:

‘Timber construction can also be a real alternative for social housing and combine the synergies of climate-based and affordable housing.. Luxembourg is paving the way in this respect and is moving forward with a strategic and forward planning approach.’

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As a meeting point for innovative, public and private organisations in the region – companies as well as research centres – the Wood Cluster brings together know-how and facilitates the sharing of experience in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.
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