Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Cocottes wins the 2024 PIA

The food company was honoured at the eighth edition of the “Prix de l’Innovation dans l’artisanat”, which recognises companies distinguished by their innovative approach and entrepreneurial spirit.

Forty projects were in the running for the eighth innovation award in the craft sector, known as the “Prix de l’Innovation dans l’artisanat” awarded by the Chamber of Skilled trades (Chambre des Métiers, CdM). The jury, composed of representatives from the CdM, co-organiser SNCI, and its partners (Banque Raiffeisen, Innovative Initiatives - Digital Luxembourg, Directorate General for SMEs at the Ministry of the Economy, Enovos Luxembourg, IPIL, Luxinnovation, Lalux Assurances, Groupe P.M.E.), awarded the prize to Cocottes among the 10 finalist projects.

The jury, composed of representatives from the CdM, co-organiser SNCI, and its partners (Banque Raiffeisen, Innovative Initiatives - Digital Luxembourg, Directorate General for SMEs at the Ministry of the Economy, Enovos Luxembourg, IPIL, Luxinnovation, Lalux Assurances, Groupe P.M.E.), awarded the prize to Cocottes among the 10 finalist projects.

The award ceremony for the “Prix de l’Innovation dans l’artisanat 2024” took place on Thursday 16 May, in the presence of H.R.H. the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, the Minister of Economy, SMEs, Energy, and Tourism Lex Delles, and the Minister of Finance Gilles Roth.

 It is an excellent example of digitalisation as a driver of sustainable development. Emmanuelle Kipper (Luxinnovation)

 Cocottes, also the winner in the Administration/Organisation/Management category, was recognised for the digitalisation of its operational processes. The implementation of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system has enabled the company to increase its efficiency and stand out for its innovative approach to healthy fast food.

“Ten years ago, we had only one computer, and our orders were processed by fax,” explained Clémentine Venck, the manager of Cocottes, pleased with this recognition and the accompanying cheque for €7,000. “Over the years, we have faced numerous challenges, and through our encounter with a startup specialising in 'No code', we were able to set up a flexible system that allows us to adapt very quickly. This digital tool supports our productivity and also reinforces our societal and environmental commitment by helping us better manage waste and the traceability of our reusable packaging.”

Supported by Luxinnovation

Emmanuelle Kipper (Luxinnovation)

For several years, Luxinnovation has supported Cocottes in its innovation efforts. Emmanuelle Kipper, Senior Advisor – SME Performance, was a member of the jury for the 2024 edition. She presented the company’s first award in the Administration/Organisation/Management category.

“Cocottes is a great example of a 'data-driven company',” explained Ms Kipper. “The company chose to digitalise to collect and utilise various types of data, which it has used to enhance its management, innovation capacity, customer relations, and environmental management. It is an excellent example of digitalisation as a driver of sustainable development. Moreover, all the teams were involved at every stage of the project, which significantly contributed to its success.”

 The winners

The winners in other categories of the “Prix de l’Innovation dans l’artisanat 2024” are:

 Menuiserie Reckinger (Marketing/Communication category), for setting up its innovative woodturning school, which promotes not only woodworking itself but also the entire craft industry in Luxembourg.

  • Duke Horlogerie (Product/Design category), the first "high watchmaking" company in Luxembourg, which impressed the jury with the unique aesthetics and technical complexity of the "Duke First Edition."
  • Luxforge  (Service category) for its innovative "Power-tool," allowing clients to schedule appointments in real-time, determine prices and delivery times, and obtain BIM-compatible models.
  • Saturne Technology (Process/System of Production category), specialising in 3D printing of precision parts for the aerospace, medical, and industrial sectors.
  • ADnigma  (Jury's Favourite category) with its innovative puzzle box 'Made in Luxembourg,' inspired by escape rooms and designed, produced, and funded independently through a successful Kickstarter campaign that garnered nearly 500 backers and international recognition.

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