The national innovation agency Luxinnovation has published its strategy for the period 2022-2025. This document served as a basis for the elaboration of the performance contract governing Luxinnovation's activities for the next four years, validated by the Government Council on 15 December 2021.
This strategic document is the result of a comprehensive review carried out by the entire Luxinnovation team at the beginning of 2021. The aim was to clearly spell out the mission, vision, values and strategic objectives as Luxembourg's national innovation agency, taking into account the vast challenges facing the country's companies and the national economy in the light of digital transformation and climate change.
Luxinnovation's mission is twofold:
Four strategic priorities have been defined for 2025, focusing both on the ecosystem supported by the agency and on the main challenges to be met in the internal functioning of Luxinnovation in order to truly deserve the status of innovation agency in our country. Luxinnovation aims to be:
To carry out this mission, according to these priorities, Luxinnovation's strategy is structured in 7 organisation-wide key strategic goals, 5 of which are geared at the ecosystem and 2 of which address the internal way the agency operates:
All our partners and all the driving forces of our ecosystem are working towards the common objective of a sustainable and competitive economy encompassing numerous thriving, innovative companies.
Sasha Baillie, CEO Luxinnovation
"I am pleased that Luxinnovation has ensured that its objectives are aligned with broader national, European and international strategies to develop a sustainable digital and competitive economy through innovation," says Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot.
"With this strategy, Luxinnovation's activities are better structured and their impact is increased, within a broader innovation and research ecosystem, composed of many actors with different expertise, responsibilities and roles," adds Claude Meisch, Minister for Higher Education and Research.
"All our partners and all the driving forces of our ecosystem are working towards the common objective of a sustainable and competitive economy encompassing numerous thriving, innovative companies," says Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation. "To achieve this goal, we need an in-depth understanding of the companies we serve, and we need to nurture close and constant interaction and collaboration with our partners. We are therefore committed to being interconnected at all levels and channelling our activities in a clear and structured way towards our common endeavour."